Our Webinars
An example of the types of virtual webinars that we can bring to your team. These 2-hour sessions serve to introduce the critical components of these key topics and can easily be customized. Doing so personalizes the content and allows your managers and team to focus on and address the specific challenges of your business.
The Basics of Supervision
For new line managers and team leads who are just developing their people-management skills. Participants will understand the large impact they have on their direct reports/team members and what they can do to help their employees be successful. Included is a brief self-assessment to help participants identify potential behavioral gap areas and plans to address them.
Leading a Remote Workforce or Effectively Working Remotely
Typically delivered as two separate webinars, these sessions are essential for managers and employees interested in, or currently working in, a remote or virtual work environment. With so much attention on this post-pandemic work issue, you can explore and learn how to determine if you, and your job role, are a good fit for this alternative work arrangement.
Effective Presentations - A Primer
Designed for anyone who finds themselves having to frequently give presentations or even formal training sessions. Whether you're delivering a virtual presentation or leading a face-to-face meeting, this session introduces a variety of useful tips and techniques to help increase your confidence and competence with this important skill.
The Key Management Practices (A Series)
A series of short (1 hour) webinars where each session addresses a Key Management Practice - behaviors that line managers and team leads can do to directly impact the work group climate of their team and therefore, their performance. Topics covered include Providing Job Clarity, Establishing Performance Standards, Recognizing and Rewarding Performance, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Fostering Teamwork, and How to Be a Supportive Manager.
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+1 (609) 619-9207